Investments &
I have been an entrepreneur since 2010- After having major success in corporate america at 2 fortune 100 companies. I decided to take my career down a path of purpose.Since then all of my businesses have served a purpose in a direct way to individuals in communities of need, or serving other entrepreneurs fuel their dream.
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Residential / Commercial Real
Estate Investor / Developer
With years of experience Charles’ believes you should only purchase what you can afford to keep over time and pass down to the next generation. He only buys property that he can buy with either no mortgage or a small affordable loan. This investment strategy has expanded into different cities and states including New Jersey, Connecticut, New York and most recently a multi family/commercial property in Michigan where he purchased a block of properties, including a multi unit property. This allows for redevelopment on a larger scale. His next project will focus on the redevelopment of an elementary school in a neighborhood that needs it most.
After several years in corporate America, Charles decided to start his own company with the purpose of having a direct impact on uplifting communities and families. Charles Noonan Investments and Development is a full-service real estate investment company specializing in the acquisition and redevelopment of residential and commercial properties in multiple cities including, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Chicago and Michigan. The privately held company owns and manages a portfolio of properties ranging from multi-unit buildings to blocks and clusters of residential houses.
My Unique Real Estate Coaching & Investment Strategy
His Investment strategy has fundamental principles that have stood the test of time. Its keen focus is to buy as much real estate as you can, but only buy what you can afford to keep. “Long term success in real estate investing is not how much you buy, Its how much you keep”. According to (HMDA) Home Mortgage Disclosure Act African American and Latino homeowners have the highest rate of foreclosure in the country. 28% of African American and Latino homeowners have lost their home to foreclosure or are at imminent risk, (at least 2 payments behind). Charle’s coaching strategy is focused on buying real estate that’s affordable and can be passed down to the next generation.

Companies like Kiva and Lendio help underprivileged neighborhoods and entrepreneurs thrive.